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Subrecipient Monitoring

Subrecipient Monitoring is a shared responsibility between Faculty, Departmental Administrators, ORA and SPAC. Each are involved in managing and ensuring external collaborations in the sponsored project are consistent, complete, and compliant with the terms and conditions of the prime award and UMCP’s policies and procedures. To assist with this important responsibility, below are links to resources and references to utilize in carrying out the multiple tasks involved in subrecipient monitoring. The links take you to resources for subrecipient monitoring at the proposal stage, during the award monitoring and closeout of the subaward. Specific questions regarding any aspect of subrecipient monitoring during the life of the subaward may be directed to Financial Compliance.

Governing Federal Regulations:

Reference tools at all stages of subaward administration: 

Roles & Responsibilities at various stages of the subaward lifecycle:





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