Audit Preparedness
This guide provides steps to prepare for an audit by departmental administrators. Once notification has been received from SPAC’s liaison regarding an upcoming audit, action needs to begin immediately by assembling, organizing and reviewing documents and procedures to ensure a successful outcome.
- Communicate to faculty and staff of audit
- Coordinate their accessibility for face to face meetings, interviews and inquiries if needed.
- Meet with departmental staff to communicate roles and responsibilities for each team member.
- Invite SPAC liaison to this meeting to provide insight and clarify expectations of audit process.
- Identify contacts for copying and submitting records and coordinating communications with auditors.
- Establish timelines for gathering records for submission to SPAC liaison.
- Assemble in one location records and documentation
- Payroll documents, statement of payroll charges
- Appointment Letters
- Receipts for Credit card transactions
- Travel Approval Requests and Expense Statements, justifications for travel, receipts
- Vendor contracts, purchase requests and justifications
- Equipment maintenance agreements
- Consulting agreements
- Human Subject documentation (protocols, payment requests/payments)
- Animals Use documentation (protocols, animal maintenance payments)
- Grant proposals and award documents
- Post award sponsor requests and approval documents (i.e. travel requests, equipment requests, no cost extensions, PI effort changes,)
- Subaward documents (subaward requests, copies of agreements, subaward payments, subrecipient prior approval requests, etc.)
- Final Technical Reports and copies of deliverables to sponsors as appropriate
- Review information for accuracy and completeness
- Review transactions to ensure compliance with sponsor and institutional policies and procedures
- Identify errors and make corrections promptly
- Consult SPAC liaison for questions and advice
- Keep departmental staff and management informed of audit status