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SPAC Matrix

CATEGORY TASK / RESPONSIBLE UNIT SPA Fin. Comp. Cost ORA PI/Dept Div. of Research Comptroller
Accounts Rec. Receive/Deposit/Record Sponsored Program paper checks x
Accounts Rec. Collect/Record Sponsored Program funds (ACH, Letter of Credit) x
Accounts Rec. Record RSTAR payments (State of Maryland fund between agencies) x
Accounts Rec. Prepare and submit Sponsored Program Invoices x
Accounts Rec. Monitor and pursue collection of overdue payments from sponsors x
Audit Coordinate and annual Single Audit (A-133) x x
Audit Coordinate Sponsor related site vists, reviews, investigations and audits x
Audit Provide/coordinate support and/or source documentation as requested by Auditors x
Audit Respond to audit inquires/recommendations and findings x x
Audit Assist with Sponsor related Internal and Legislative audits/inquiries x x
Audit Prepare Schedule of Federal Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) x
Award Mgmnt. Oversee Non-sponsored accounts x x
Award Mgmnt. Review and Approve Salary/Non Salary Transfers on Sponsored Programs x
Award Mgmnt. Identify/Mange and report Program Income x x x
Award Mgmnt. Handle questions regarding allowability & allocability of sponsored project expenses x x x x x
Award Mgmnt. Rebudeting x x
Award Mgmnt. Distribute Deficit Reports x
Award Mgmnt. Monitor 90-Day Memo Requirement for Expense Transfers x
Award Mgmnt. Assign KFS Sponsored Program account numbers x x
Award Mgmnt. Fund Cost Share Accounts x
Award Mgmnt. Monitor Effort Reports x
Award Mgmnt. Monitor Cost Share accounts x x
Award Mgmnt. PI Transfer to another Institution x x x x
Award Mgmnt. Manage Salary Cap x x x
Award Mgmnt. BA-3/4 Software x x
Award Mgmnt. Non-standard terms and Conditions x x x x
Award Mgmnt. Sponsored Program stop work orders x x x x x
Award Mgmnt. Resolve issues related to unreconciled accounts x x x
Award Mgmnt. Disposition of Sponsored Program Property x x
Closeout Prepare and submit final financial reports x
Closeout Prepare and submit non-financial reports x x
Closeout Subaward closeout x x
Closeout Monitor Non-Financial final reports x x x
Closeout Final Sponsored Program Closeout x x x
Compliance Handle Fiscal Irregularities x x
Overhead Prepare F & A Rate Proposal x
Pre-Award Approve significant project designation for Clerical and Administrative cost x x
Pre-Award Request pre-award spending/establish advance account number authorization x
Pre-Award Finding Funding Opportunities x
Pre-Award Proposal Preparation/Submission x
Pre-Award Regulatory Requirements, protocols and approvals x x
Pre-Award Provide institutional review and approval of proposal x x
Rates Establish/Monitor Service Centers x
Rates Establish University Rates (Animal Care etc.) x
Reporting Prepare and submit Sponsored Program Financial Reports x
Reporting Monitor Sponsored Program Non-Financial Compliance
Reporting Handle Property Reports for Sponsored Programs x
Subs Approve subrecipient invoices x
Subs Complete Subrecipient Monitoring (A-133) Forms x x
Subs Complete Subrecipient Pre-Assessment Forms x x
Training Sponsored Program Training x x x x x
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